
Conversion Sanad

The conversion of use of land from agriculture to non agriculture purpose.

  • Conversion of land below 500 square meters of area has to submit the application before the concerned Deputy Collector & SDO of Taluka.
  • Conversion of land above 500 square meters of area has to submit the application before the Collector of North Goa.

Requirements of documents

  • Application in Schedule-I affixing therein court fee stamp of Rs. 5/- (1 original + 4 sets in Xerox).
  • Title documents of the property (1 notarized + 4 set in Xerox).
  • Survey plan (1 original + 4 set in Xerox).
  • Site/Location plan of proposed property (5 sets of blue print)
  • Form I & XIV duly mutated/Partitioned in favour of applicant (1 original + 4 sets in Xerox)
  • Manual I & XIV issued by concerned village Talathi (1 original + 4 sets in Xerox)

Procedure followed to issue conversion sanad is as under:

  1. The application should be submitted to the concerned Deputy Collector or the Collector of North Goa as per the area of the conversion.
  2. Reports are called from concerned Town Planner (TCP), Taluka Mamlatdar and Dy. Conservator of Forest (Forest) on the application filed by the applicant.
  3. Incase of favourable reports, proposal is then referred to survey Department for preparing survey plan of proposed property.
  4. The conversion fees are calculated on receipt of survey report and the applicant is asked to make the payment of the conversion fees.
  5. After the payment, conversion sanad is issued to the applicant.

     Land Conversion Flow Chart


Location : Dy. Collector & SDM Office/ Collector North | PIN Code : 403001